Call for Papers: Now Open Until 28 February 2025

If your proposal is accepted, all participant flights and accommodation costs will be organised and paid by PointSud.

The overarching theme is how to further digital sovereignty and rights towards dignified cohabitation in the global digital realm. The innovation is to foster a cross continental community that promotes a healthy exchange and publication of ideas in relation to digital sovereignty and rights. Considering the prevalence of voices from the Global North in AI and digital sovereignty debates, the objective is also to amplify the voice of African researchers in this space.

The panel titles are as follows:

  • Current Data and AI Regulation in Africa
  • Human Rights and Digital Freedoms: Misinformation, identification, politics and security
  • AI, Connectivity, Regulation and Development
  • Digital Colonialism: Big tech, algorithmic bias and cultural preservation
  • Digital Skills, Entrepreneurship and Education
  • Labour Markets and Digital Impacts on Social Welfare
  • Harmonisation of Digital Regulation in Africa: Desirable, necessary or neither?
  • Geopolitical Aspects of Digital Sovereignty


Proposals to these panels must consist of:

  • a paper title
  • the name(s), email address(es) and organisational affiliations of author(s)
  • an abstract of fewer than 250 words

Upon submission, authors will receive a confirmation email. If no email is received, check spam folders and then email

Submit proposal